2018-YYJ-S1 Playoffs

Playoffs are coming!

All the details you need will be released via the PLAYOFFS page on app.league.fit

We’re always in need of volunteers to help run the day! We also will rely on team athletes that are not taking part in an event to help with ‘rep counting’ - we ensure there is a head judge around / on the floor to manage ‘no-reps’ and really just require volunteers to count!

Important things to remember:

  • Plan to be there from 2:30pm - 7:00pm!

  • All events require 2 men + 2 women!

  • There will be prizes for BEST DRESSED (whatever that means to you) so lets see it!


We’ve got some awesome partners working with us for Season one of YYJ! Not all were able to make it out for playoffs, but they’ve thrown in some awesome prizes!