2018 YVR S2 Captains Meeting notes & Details
Welcome to the FFL! Please make sure you have read and understand everything in this document.
Join our FFL // YVR Facebook group for the fastest answers to your questions: www.facebook.com/groups/calyvr or e-mail help@league.fit to get added.
APP.LEAGUE.FIT is your home base for everything you need.
Matches are scheduled by the team captain. You can view the step-by-step instructions here: FAQ.LEAGUE.FIT → ‘Using our software’
The home team captain must send the visiting captain 3 time slots of gym availability.
Matches should try to be scheduled for Thursday night.
If not possible, backup options of Sunday should be provided as well.
Note: Only if both teams agree can matches be scheduled outside of these times.
If the home team does not have any reasonable/available time slots, the away team may offer to host OR email help@league.fit for help to find a suitable facility.
You can make scheduling easier by creating a Doodle with your team!
https://doodle.com → Send your team the available time slots provided by the home captain and request the time slot with the most available members.
Please remember: You only require 4 athletes available to complete a weekly match - don’t get caught up trying to get 7-8 athletes!
The farther in advance you schedule your match, the more likely you’ll have sponsors or photographers come to visit.
As a last resort, matches may be scheduled outside of their given week.
Scores will be submitted by the team captains directly on your matchup page (via the schedule). Faq.league.fit → using our software → for captains
Most Events (WODs) will include a ‘spread’ for an additional point:
If the winning team wins by OVER the spread, they will receive 3 points for the win.
If the losing team finishes WITHIN the spread, the winning team will receive 2 points, and the losing team will receive 1.
The team with the most points at the end of the match (match = 3 events) wins that week.
Rankings will be based on match W/L record, with points used as tiebreak.
The home team will have first choice of completing the WODs first or second.
The first team will complete Event 1 with the other team judging, then the second team will complete Event 1.
Please keep in mind that the team you are judging will then be judging you. #teamjudgement
Make sure everyone's clear on each movements standards and don’t be excessively strict or loose.
If you have enough spectators (or extra players) at the match, we encourage you to have them judge so that teams can go head-to-head!
Captains should review and ensure they agree on movement standards prior to each event and communicate them to judges / teams.
Make sure to review movements & decide a judging standard for each
ie burpees: Must make eye contact with judge at top, etc.
- Every weekly event (3 per match) requires 4 athletes with minimum 1 member of each sex competing.
Playoffs require 2 men & 2 women for every event.
You may use any number of the same or different athletes for each of the 3 events within each weekly match (as long as they are all on your team roster).
A team can compete with 4-8 athletes per weekly match - the more athletes available, the bigger the advantage (fresh legs), but not all athletes have to take part every week.
- Weekly events will go live the Sunday before the week’s match.
Any irregular movement standards will always be listed with the WOD.
WODs & standards (weights, etc) may be adjusted slightly for weekly matches if both captains agree:
Example 1: If a facility does not have required equipment for WOD, captains may agree on an appropriate substitute (or email us).
Example 2: If the prescribed weights are too heavy for both teams captains may agree to scale the weight back for both teams.
If you have any questions on WODs, movement standards, flow, etc., please ask questions via the events page comments OR in the facebook group.
Rules & entry guidelines:
To enter take a photo after your match showing us your best interpretation of the theme and add the appropriate tags
We’ll repost the photo from our own account @FunctionalFitnessLeague & on our Facebook page.
The photo with the most likes on our accounts (FB + IG) wins!
Each team can only win once in a season.
If you have already won, you can still join in the fun and submit photos, but we’ll give you an honourable mention if you get the most likes.
In this case, the team with the 2nd most likes will win the prizes.
You can view the whole seasons prizes via the events page on app.league.fit
- Your season will count as ‘Event 1’ for playoffs, and determine your ranking going into the all day event.
Any athlete competing at playoffs MUST be on the team's roster, and have competed in at least ONE weekly match.
All playoff events require 2 male & 2 female athletes.