Registration for the season will open at the end of the 2020 RANKER & close 1 week prior to season start. All athletes planning to register are required to complete the #FFLRANKER workouts.
A team builder will be provided to all those interested in captaining a team to make it quick & easy to register your team after the ranker.
a TEAM roster is 6 ATHLETES (with 2 subs)
Registration is $99 / ATHLETE which includes an FFL Shirt & PLAYOFFS
4 ATHLETES on each team will participate in each EVENT (workout)
A MATCH include 3 EVENTS & take about 2 hours
Each MATCH will include 3-5 TEAMS together at an AFFILIATE with a FACILITATOR
A SEASON is 6 weeks long, consisting of 3 MATCHES
Matches will be every 2 weeks, with 3-6 teams coming together for each match
Matches will be hosted at affiliates in each sub region, based on number of #FFLRANKER Participants in that area
Example: #FFLYVR will have a City & Valley location host
Matches will happen on Sundays and take ~ 2 hours per division / pool, starting at ~ 12:00pm or 2:00pm
There will be an FFL Facilitator on site to manage the flow & maintain standards of every match
The lower seeded (2-3) teams in each division will complete event 1, while the subs or non competing athletes from the higher seeded teams judge
The higher seeded teams will then complete the same workout
Teams will alternate this way until all teams have completed all 3 events
Teams will be re-seeded within their division after each match